We all Say oot and aboot

We say out and about and not at the same time. This is one of the Canadian Stereotypes that always hits a nerve with me. I don’t know why, but I pretty much always fly off the handle when people mention it. And they always do.

Canadians do not say oot and aboot. I would love to know where this saying came from. We do say “out” with a different accent than Americans. They pronounce it more like ”

I would love to know where this saying came from. We do say “out” with a different accent than Americans. They pronounce it more like “owt” while we pronounce it more like “oat”. They open their mouths a little more and pronounce it with more of an ouch sound.

We are more closed with our pronounciation and lean a little more towards the word oat. While neither one is right or wrong, it is simply our accents. Like all countries of the world, different regions have different accents and some people are more pronounced

While neither one is right or wrong, it is simply our accents. Like all countries of the world, different regions have different accents and some people are more pronounced than others, but for the most part we Canadians simply say out.